From December 2013, discover new series of maps on Switzerland's intangible cultural heritage

The Federal Office of Culture has created six foldout maps showcasing all of the 167 entries on the National Inventory of Living Traditions. Beautifully illustrated by Swiss artist Albin Christen, these booklets are real collector's items.

The second map in the series, launched this winter, is now available in Switzerland's major towns (culture & entertainment hubs) and from most local tourist offices.

Heisse Öfen & Rüeblitorte

Traditionen anders gesehen
31. August bis 6. Oktober 2013

From June 2013, discover new series of maps on Switzerland's intangible cultural heritage

The Federal Office of Culture has created six foldout maps showcasing all of the 167 entries on the National Inventory of Living Traditions. Beautifully illustrated by Swiss artist Albin Christen and with a limited print run of 157,000 copies, these booklets are real collector's items.

The first map in the series, launched this summer, is published in French, German and Italian, and is available in Switzerland's major towns (culture & entertainment hubs) and from most local tourist offices.