Ausstellen und Vermitteln von Lebendigen Traditionen

Eine Tagung für Museen und KulturvermittlerInnen
28. – 29. März 2014, Bern

Tagung „Lebendige Traditionen im urbanen Raum“

Freitag, 24. Oktober 2014 im FriArt Kunsthalle Freiburg

From October 2014, discover new series of maps on Switzerland's intangible cultural heritage

The Federal Office of Culture has created six foldout brochures showcasing all of the 167 entries on the National Inventory of Living Traditions. Playfully illustrated by Swiss artist Albin Christen, they cover all the seasons of the year.

So far the brochures for summer, winter, spring and autumn have been published. The autumn brochure is now available in Switzerland's major towns (culture hubs, cinemas, theatres etc.) and from most local tourist offices.

Die jungen Schweizer Macher – Handwerk 2014

Lernende aus traditionellen Handwerksberufen erzählen in der aktuellen Ausgabe der Zeitschrift «Handwerk» des Kurszentrums Ballenberg, von ihrer Motivation, ihren Erfahrungen und Plänen für die Zukunft.

Generationenkurse im Kurszentrum Ballenberg

Das Kurszentrum Ballenberg bietet zum ersten Mal Generationenkurse an

From April 2014, discover new series of maps on Switzerland's intangible cultural heritage

The Federal Office of Culture has created six foldout brochures showcasing all of the 167 entries on the National Inventory of Living Traditions. Playfully illustrated by Swiss artist Albin Christen, they cover all the seasons of the year.

So far the brochures for summer, winter and spring have been published. The spring brochure is now available in Switzerland's major towns (culture hubs, cinemas, theatres etc.) and from most local tourist offices.