Operettas in Aargau

Choral and theatre performances are synonymous with the canton of Aargau. In 1675, Baden was the location for the construction of Schützenhaustheater, Switzerland’s first permanent theatre. Amateur theatre groups and choirs sprang up in the area from the mid-19th century, driving the development of a multi-faceted tradition of operettas. Today, four amateur theatre groups led by professional directors regularly perform operettas: Fricktaler Bühne, Operette Möriken-Wildegg, Operettenbühne Bremgarten and Theatergesellschaft Beinwil, which has been resident of the Löwensaal since 1864.

A different operetta is performed by each of the four theatre groups every two years. It takes about a year to prepare the performance, demanding a high level of commitment from everyone involved. After six months of rehearsals 2-5 times a week, the amateur choir and the soloists perform to the public four times a week for a period of three to five months. The great effort is rewarded with the applause at the end of every show, which all of the performers to give their best. The world of operetta and its costumes is so enthralling that the final performance is not without a tinge of sadness. Soon, however, performers and audience alike are swept up in the anticipation of a new production.

Detailed description




Operettenbühne Bremgarten: "Einungzwanzig – einundzwanzig" from "Polenblut", 2011 © Operettenbühne Bremgarten, 2011

Operettenbühne Bremgarten: "Und jetzt zu Euch, ihr elenden Saufkumpanen", from "Polenblut", 2011 © Operettenbühne Bremgarten, 2011


Fricktaler Bühne (Ed.): Die Fledermaus (DVD). Operette von Johann Strauss. Regie Paul Suter. Suhr, 2010

Operettenbühne Bremgarten (Ed.): Polenblut (DVD). Operette von Leo Stein. 2011

Schweizer Fernsehen: Ein Dorf spielt Operette. Freuden und Leiden eines Schweizer Dorfes bei der Produktion einer Operette. 2010

Theatergesellschaft Beinwil am See (Ed.): Die lustigen Weiber von Windsor (DVD). Eine Operette von Otto Nicolai nach der Komödie von William Shakespeare. Ammerswil, 2008

Theatergesellschaft Beinwil am See (Ed.): Der Zigeunerbaron von Johann Strauss. Uzwil, 2010

Walter-Karl Walde: Dreissig Jahre Verein Operettenbühne Bremgarten. In: Bremgarter Neujahrsblätter. Ed. Schodoler-Gesellschaft. Bremgarten, 2007, p. 32-56


Fricktaler Bühne Rheinfelden
Fricktaler Bühne - Kontakt

Operette Möriken-Wildegg

Operettenbühne Bremgarten

Theatergesellschaft Beinwil am See
Theatergesellschaft Beinwil am See

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