Graphic design and typography

Graphic design and typography determine the appearance of posters, books, logos, adverts, websites, animations, apps and much more. They convey information, influence opinions and shape people's values. They have a visible influence on our daily lives and enjoy a high status in Switzerland. The quality of graphic design and typography is upheld and cultivated in professional practice.

The specific Swiss tradition known as «Swiss graphic design» and «Swiss typography» emerged in the second half of the 20th century and gained international recognition and influence which persist to this day. Subsequently, «Swiss Typography» or «Swiss Style» shaped graphic design in Switzerland and internationally. In the meantime, graphic design has developed dynamically in the field of digital media and applications.

Detailed description




100 Jahre Schweizer Grafik, Museum für Gestaltung Zürich. Ed. Christian Brändle, Karin Gimmi, Barbara Junod, Christina Reble, Bettina Richter, Zürich, 2014

Benzin. Junge Schweizer Grafik. Ed. Thomas Bruggisser, Michel Friess, Baden, 2000

Frische Schriften – Fresh Type. Ed. Andres Janser et al., Museum für Gestaltung Zürich. Zürich, 2004

Helvetica: Homage to a Typeface. Ed. Lars Müller, Baden, 2005
Bruno Margadant: Das Schweizer Plakat – The Swiss Poster – L’affiche suisse, 1900–1983. Basel, 1983
Syndicom. Gewerkschaft Medien und Kommunikation (Ed.): Typografische Monatsblätter. Die Fachzeitschrift für Typografie, Schrift und visuelle Kommunikation – Revue suisse de l'imprimerie. Revue pour la lettre, la typographie, la conception graphique et le langage – Swiss typographic magazin. Journal for lettering, typographic composition, design and communication. Muttenz, 1933ff.

Talking Bodies – Bild, Macht, Wirkung. Ed. Museum für Gestaltung Zürich, Bettina Richter, Zürich, 2023



Schweizer Grafiker Verband SGV

Swiss Graphic Designers (SGD)

Art Directors Club Schweiz

Syndicom. Gewerkschaft Medien und Kommunikation, Branche Visuelle Kommunikation
Hans Kern

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