
Between 6 pm and 11 pm on the Sunday following Ash Wednesday, groups of singers walk through the centre of Zug dedicating their music personally to engaged couples and newly weds. As a reward they receive a basket of doughnuts (“Chrööpfe” in the local dialect) and wine, lowered by rope from the windows of the lovers' houses. The gift is presented when the singers perform the Chrööpflimee song, which always comes right at the end of their repertoire. The custom became a major event in the town’s calendar as early as the nineteenth century. It underwent significant changes in the second half of the twentieth century, when new groups assumed responsibility for keeping the custom alive.

Detailed description

Chrööpfelimee (PDF, 413 kB, 21.06.2024)Ausführliche Beschreibung




Zunft der Schneider, Tuchscherer und Gewerbsleute der Stadt Zug

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