Conservation of seeds

Cultivated plants have always been planted in gardens or on farms, and have been used to produce seeds for planting. Whereas seeds used to be exchanged almost exclusively within families or among neighbours and friends, various organisations are now responsible for this. Since 1991, the Pro Specie Rara foundation has been storing seeds from more than a thousand varieties of garden, field and ornamental plants in a seed library, distributing seeds to farmers and hobby gardeners for cultivation in as many different places as possible and providing seeds to other people interested in growing rare plant species. Seeds are distributed and passed on at organised regional meetings or at large seed exchange events. The practice of seed exchange is of great importance to society as a whole, as it preserves biodiversity. Without the seed exchange, many varieties would be lost.

Detailed description




Andrea Heistinger: Handbuch Samengärtnerei – Sorten erhalten, Vielfalt vermehren und Gemüse geniessen. Löwenzahn Verlag, Innsbruck, 2004

Marianna Serena: Das Lexikon der alten Gemüsesorten – 800 Sorten: Geschichte, Merkmale, Anbau und  Verwendung in der Küche. AT Verlag, Aarau, 2014

Andrea Frommherz: Naturwerkstatt Samen und Gemüse – Mit Kindern Samen gewinnen und säen, Gemüse ziehen und spielerisch entdecken. AT Verlag, Aarau, 2015

ProSpecieRara: Sortenfinder 2023 – Saat- und Pflanzgutkatalog seltener Garten-, Acker-, Zierpflanzen- und Obstsorten für Gönner/- innen und Aktive. ProSpecieRara, Basel, 2023

Ronnie Vernooy, Bhuwon Sthapit: Community Seed Banks: Concept and Practice – Faciliator Handbook. Biodiversity International, Maccarese, 2017

Erklärung von Bern (EvB), ProSpecieRara: Saatgut – Bedrohte Vielfalt im Spannungsfeld der Interessen. EvB-Magazin, Ausgabe 2, 2014

Bálint Balázs et al.: Transnational Seed Exchange Networks. TRANSIT: EU SSH.2013.3.2-1 Grant agreement no: 613169, 2015

Bálint Balázs et al.: Transformative Social Innovation: Transnational Seed Exchange Networks. TRANSIT: EU SSH.2013.3.2-1 Grant agreement no: 613169, 2016





Béla Bartha
Unter Brüglingen 6
4052 Basel
Phone +41 61 545 99 11

Print contact