Commemorating the institution of the Sacrament of the Altar, or the Eucharist, the Feast of Corpus Christi has been enshrined in the Catholic calendar ten days after Pentecost since the High Middle Ages. While in most cantons the day is a normal working day, in Appenzell Innerrhoden it remains an important Catholic holiday celebrated with a procession distinctive by its Baroque colours. Members of the clergy in ceremonial robes carry the consecrated Host in the monstrance under a canopy, accompanied by the “Herrgottsgrenadieren” (the Grenadiers of the Lord God). The procession that follows comprises banner bearers from church and secular associations, local cadets, Junkers, members of local authorities, church elders and church choirs, altar servers, first communicants, local scout groups, musicians, women wearing traditional dress and Corpus Christi groups. Spectators are particularly impressed by the large body of women in traditional dress and the 15 “Täfelimeedle”. These young women wear the black and white dress of unmarried females and carry the wooden signs painted with the 15 Mysteries of the Rosary.
Detailed description
Fronleichnamsprozession in Appenzell (PDF, 429 kB, 04.06.2018)Ausführliche Beschreibung
Connected traditions
Thomas Antonietti, Birgit Langenegger: Tracht tragen. Appenzell Lötschental überall. Baden, 2006
Ferdinand Fuchs: Das Religiöse Brauchtum in Innerrhoden. In Innerrhoder Geschichtsfreund 22. Appenzell, 1977/1978
Ferdinand Fuchs: Fronleichnam. In: Unser Innerrhoden. Von Josef Küng, Ferdinand Fuchs, Roland Inauen, Oskar Keller, Joe Manser, Edi Moser, Alfred Sutter. Appenzell, 2003
Franz Stark: 900 Jahre Kirche und Pfarrei St. Mauritius Appenzell. Appenzell, 1971
Museum Appenzell