Corpus Christi festival of the Herrgottskanoniere

On the day of Corpus Christi and the evening before, cannoneers fire numerous cannon and gun salutes on Lucerne’s local mountain, the Gütsch, to celebrate the sacrament of the altar. Three historical artillery cannons are used to fire the salute, which is performed according to strict military rules. The salutes mark individual phases and elements of the ritual during the procession of believers through the old town. The cannoneers are Catholic soldiers, or former soldiers, of the Swiss army. For the purposes of performing the ritual, they are organised into what is known as the "Bruderschaft der Herrgottskanoniere Luzern" (the Lucerne Brotherhood of Cannoneers of Our Lord). The brotherhood was founded around 1580 at the time of the Counter-Reformation, when the Corpus Christi processions were beginning to serve as profile-raising events for the Catholic Church.

Detailed description





Luzerner SS Corporis Christi-Bruderschaft (Ed.): 425 Jahre Bruderschaft der Herrgottskanoniere Luzern 1580-2005. Führer durch die Jubiläums-Ausstellung. Luzern, 2005

Stefan Schütz: Die Kanoniere wecken Luzern. In: Neue Luzerner Zeitung, 6. Juni 2007, p. 24

Markus Zimmermann: Die Herrgottskanoniere von Luzern 1580-1980. Luzern, 1980

Simon Bordier: Herrgottskanoniere wählen Frau in ihre Mitte. In: Neue Luzerner Zeitung, 8. Juni 2015, p. 15




Herrgottskanoniere Luzern

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