Most of women’s convents in Central Switzerland have their own herb gardens, which are maintained by the sisters. Despite variations in size and in the range of herbs cultivated, and although the sisters who maintain them belong to different orders, the significance of these gardens can only be understood as part of a broader cultural and historical framework. When Benedict of Nursia founded a monastery on Monte Cassino in southern Italy, he imposed an obligation on the monks to care for the sick and also provided staff and the infrastructure required for this purpose. After the Benedictines grew into one of the leading religious orders in the Catholic Church, a process which began in the 8th century, their medicinal knowledge – which was derived from the teachings of the ancient world – spread throughout the entire European continent and influenced all areas of Western pharmacology throughout the Middle Ages. Herb gardens in monasteries and convents played a key role in this system from the very beginning as suppliers of essential ingredients. In In Central Switzerland, it's mainly women's convents that are doing their best - despite a lack of new recruits - to maintain and pass on the knowledge and practices (planting, gathering and preparation) associated with medicinal herbs. In addition to cultivating a varied herb garden, this can also include extensive herb collecting on alpine meadows and delegating garden maintenance to interested volunteers. Most convents have a store, sometimes combined with an online store, where they sell home-made products made from herbs and plants.
Detailed description
Kräuterwissen in Zentralschweizer Frauenklöstern (PDF, 451 kB, 16.07.2024)Ausführliche Beschreibung
Connected traditions
Irène David: Der Klostergarten von Heiligkreuz bei Cham. Geschichtlicher Kontext und heutige Aufgabe. Abschlussarbeit im CAS-Studiengang Ethnobotanik und Ethnomedizin an der Universität Zürich. Zürich, 2008
Moritz Jäger: Hundert Jahre Benediktinerinnen-Kloster Marienburg Wikon LU 1891-1991. Ed. Benediktinerinnen-Kloster Marienburg. Wikon, 1991
Elisabeth Odermatt Niederberger: Kräuter und Liköre aus der Herrgotts-Apotheke. In: Das Benediktinerinnen-Kloster Maria-Rickenbach in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Ed. Historischer Verein Nidwalden. Stans, 2007, p. 273-291
Hermann Josef Roth et al.: Klostergärten und klösterliche Kulturlandschaften. Historische Aspekte und aktuelle Fragen. München, 2009
Margrit Rosa Schmid: Frauenkloster in der Au bei Einsiedeln. Benediktinerinnenkloster mit Ewiger Anbetung. Einsiedeln, 2005
Rudolf Schmitz: Geschichte der Pharmazie. Eschborn, 1998-2005
François Ledermann, Michel Roux: Heilkräuter. In: Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz. Bern, 2010 (