Solennität Murten

In Murten, as in many other places, the end of the school year and the beginning of the summer holidays are celebrated at a youth festival. Known as ‘Solennität’ (or ‘Solennité’ in French), this school event is unusual because it is also a commemoration of the Battle of Murten on 22 June 1476. The Solennität is basically an event for the entire town of Murten, and 22 June has become a public holiday. The event is paid for by the city and organised by schools; teaching staff prepare students to participate in the Solennität day (known locally as the ‘Sola’). Many locals help out with preparations, for example by creatively decorating the fountains in the old town. The organisation of the event is largely delegated to the German and French departments of the primary and secondary school, which have a total of some 2000 pupils (2017).

Many towns have youth and graduation festivals with their own names and local customs. In Burgdorf, the festival, which takes place on the last Monday in June, is called the ‘Solätte’ and has been held in the same form since 1729.

Detailed description




Erich Wasem: Die Murtner Solennität am 22. Juni. In: Freiburger Volkskalender 2003, p. 87-94

Markus F. Rubli, Heini Stucki: Murten. Gegenwart und Vergangenheit. Murten, 2002

Ernst Flückiger: Die Murtner Solennität - Schulprämien, Jugendfest und Schlachtfeier. In: Die Stadtschulen von Murten. Zur Hundertjahrfeier der Sekundarschule von Murten. Ed. Stadt Murten. Murten, 1950, p. 165-189

Organisationskomitee der Jahrhundertfeiern / Comité d'organisation des festivités centenaires (Ed.): Murten - Morat 1476-1976. Murten, 1977

Museum Murten / Musée de Morat (Ed.): Zwischen Kelch und Sturmgewehr. Lebendige Traditionen rund um die Schlacht von Murten. / Entre le calice et le fusil. Traditions vivantes liées à la bataille de Morat. Publikation aus Anlass der gleichnamigen Ausstellung im Museum Murten im Sommer 2017 / Publication accompagnant l'exposition du même nom au Musée de Morat durant l'été 2017

Adrian Scherzinger: 60 Jahre Kadettenmusik Murten / 60 ans de la fanfare des cadets de Morat, 1956-2016. Murten, 2016 (DVD)

Solennitätsausschuss (Ed.): Festschrift zur 250. Solennität. Burgdorf, 1981



Gemeindeverwaltung Murten
Rathausgasse 17
3280 Murten
Phone +41 26 672 61 11

Solennitäts-Ausschuss der Stadt Burgdorf, Sekretariat
Neuengasse 5
3400 Burgdorf
Phone +41 34 429 92 83

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