Woodcarving in Brienz

In the famine of 1816, wood turner Christian Fischer from Brienz started decorating goods with wood carvings and selling them to tourists. In order to meet growing demand he soon began teaching the skill to people from the region. In 1851, Brienz woodcarving achieved international recognition at the London Exposition. "Brienz Woodcarving School" was founded in 1884, becoming an educational institution and official training workshop of the canton of Bern in 1928. Now known as the "School of Woodcarving", the institution is the only place in Switzerland where young people can learn the art of woodcarving. Since 2009 the school has also provided vocational training for new turners, basket makers, coopers and white-wood coopers. Today, professional woodcarvers run independent businesses, fulfilling demanding contracts but also producing souvenirs, since the ties between woodcarving and tourism remain strong after two hundred years despite various attempts at diversification. Because the products and the historical and practical knowledge of woodcarving are threatened by the changing generations, the "Association for the Collection and Exhibition of Brienz Woodcarvings" was established in 1990, in turn establishing the "Swiss Woodcarving Museum" in 2009.

Detailed description




Jay Arenski: Swiss carvings. The art of the «Black Forest», 1820-1940. Ed. Antique Collectors' Club. Woodbridge, 2008

Peter Flück: Der Holzbildhauer. Chronologie eines Kunsthandwerks (Schnitzlerschule Brienz von 1884-1984. Ausstellung im Kornhaus Bern, vom 28. Januar bis 4. März 1984). Bern, 1984

Peter Flück: Kantonale Schnitzlerschule Brienz, 1884-1984. Brienz, 1984

Max Gygax: Werden und Vergehen einer Schnitzlerdynastie. In: Jahrbuch vom Thuner- und Brienzersee 1995. Ed. Uferschutzverband Thuner- und Brienzersee. Matten-Interlaken, 1995, p. 97-109

Max Gygax: Wie Brienz zum Schnitzlerdorf wurde. In: Heimatbuch Brienz 1999. Ed. Kulturfondskommission Einwohnergemeinde Brienz. Brienz, 1999, p. 113-120

Erich Schild: Arbeiten für drei Franken fünfzig im Tag. Wie lebte eine Schnitzlerfamilie Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts? In: Der Brienzer, 1. Mai 2001

Schweizer Holzbildhauerei Museum: Über uns und unsere Arbeit. Brienz, 2010



Holzbildhauer Verband Schweiz HVS
3855 Brienz

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