Näfels procession

On 9 April 1388, a group of about 600 men from Glarus and reinforcements from Uri and Schwyz defeated a far superior Austrian army. The Austrians were aiming to conquer Glarus and return it to the realm of Habsburg power, at the same time punishing the people of Glarus for unlawful action in the Linth Plain. The army made great progress into the Glarus area, but while trying to steal cattle near Näfels they were overcome and forced to retreat. The Näfels procession marks the anniversary of this victory with a commemorative service, a procession and political speeches. The celebration is part of public life in the Canton of Glarus, combining religious remembrance of the dead as performed in the late Middle Ages with a secular and patriotic celebration in line with the battle celebrations of the 19th century. The event attracts up to a thousand participants.

Detailed description

Näfelser Fahrt (PDF, 412 kB, 19.06.2018)Ausführliche Beschreibung




Jürg Knobel, Steve Ellington: Eindrücke von der Näfelser Fahrt 8.April 2010 (DVD). Glarus, 2010

Kantonales Komitee «600-Jahr-Feier Schlacht bei Näfels» (Ed.): 1388-1988: Das Jubiläum. Glarus, 1989

Josef Schwitter: Zur Fahrtsfeier. In: Glarner Nachrichten, 9. April 1980

Fritz Stucki: Aus der Geschichte der Näfelser Fahrt. In: Varia zur Glarner Geschichte. Von Fritz Stucki. Glarus, 1983, p. 11-21

Heinrich Stüssi et al.: Fry! Fry! Das Land Glarus und die werdende Eidgenossenschaft zwischen 1351 und 1388 (Neujahrsbote für das Glarner Hinterland). Schwanden, 1987

Ernst Tremp: Schlacht bei Näfels. In: Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz. Bern, 2009 (www.hls-dhs-dss.ch/textes/d/D8873.php)




Kanton Glarus
Fachstelle Kulturförderung

Staatskanzlei des Kantons Glarus

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