Natural yodeling and yodel songs

Natural yodelling and yodel songs are widely considered to be the forms of singing that represent Switzerland. Yodelling is practiced by men and women of all ages and social classes. Many yodellers are members of a yodelling club: there are 780 of these groups operating under the umbrella of the Federal Yodelling Association, which was founded in 1910 and boasts around 12,000 members in their yodelling section. Today's yodelling tradition is heavily influenced by the vocal aesthetics of the 19th century. Multi-voiced yodelling songs, which were created in the 20th century and enjoy widespread popularity, are split into two parts: strophic text in the first part and yodelling on syllables in the second. Natural yodelling traditions – those sung exclusively on syllables – are characterised by differences in regional sound ideals. This means that differences can be heard between the "Entlebucher Jutz", the "Berner Naturjutz" or the "Juiz" in Ob- and Nidwalden, the "Zäuerli" and "Ruggusserli" in Appenzell and the "Johlen" in the Toggenburg region. Of particular note, the "Juuz" of the Muota Valley (Muotatal) uses tones that are outside the equal temperament.

Detailed description




Paul Am Acher: Ruedi Rymann und der Schacherseppli - Jodler, Komponist, Dichter, Schwinger und Wildhüter. Bettlach, 2002

Raymond Ammann: Der Jodler in Tirol. In: Einen Jodler hör i gern: studentische Feldforschungsberichte über den Wandel der Tiroler Jodlers zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts, ed. Raymond Ammann, Innsbruck, 2016, p. 9-34

Max Peter Baumann: Musikfolklore und Musikfolklorismus - eine ethnomusikologische Untersuchung zum Funktionswandel des Jodels. Winterthur, 1976

Eidgenössischer Jodlerverband (Ed.): Lebendiges Schweizer Brauchtum, 1910-2010. Bremgarten, 2010

Robert-Fellmann Stiftung (Ed.): Robert Fellmann, 1885-1951: ein Leben für das Jodellied. Baar, 2001

Andrea Kammermann: Die Beziehung zwischen Naturjodel und Emotion. Ein Interdependenzphänomen mit Fokus auf Unterwal-den. Innsbruck, 2022

Heinrich J. Leuthold: Der Naturjodel in der Schweiz. Wesen, Ent-stehung, Charakteristik, Verbreitung. Altdorf, 1981

Joe Manser (Ed.): Appenzellische Volksmusik. Herisau, 2010

Bart Plantenga: Yodel-Ay-Ee-Oooo: The Secret History of Yodel-ing Around the World. New York, 2004

Nadja Räss, Franziska Wigger et al.: Jodel - Theorie & Praxis. Altdorf, 2010

Yannick Wey: Transkription wortloser Gesänge. Technik und Rückwirkungen der Verschriftlichung des Jodelns und verwandter Gesänge im deutschsprachigen Alpenraum. Innsbruck, 2019

Hugo Zemp: A Swiss yodelling series: «Jüüzli» of the Muotatal (4 films). Watertown, 2012 (first edition 1986-87)



Eidgenössischer Jodlerverband EJV

Eidgenössische Jodlerdirigenten- und Komponisten-Vereinigung - EJDKV
Prafenne 8, CP 357
1871 Les Giettes / Monthey VS
Phone +41 24 471 96 33

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